
FARQ—Montevideo. Uruguay


Conferencia 18.11.2011—18:00 Hs.

Rococo relevance
Arq. Luc Merx

Facultad de Arquitectura - Universidad de la República
Salón de Actos

FADU - Buenos Aires. Argentina


Conferencia 14.11.2011 - 18:00 Hs.

Universidad de Buenos Aires

FADU (Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseno y Urbanismo)


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Universidad de Buenos Aires


Literatura y Arquitectura

Conferencia 17.11.2011 - 16:00 Hs.

Luc Merx

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This is design

Design Museum London

Exhibition. "This is design"
24 August 2011 – 22 January 2012
This is Design is a celebration of the Design Museum’s Collection, which
examines the impact of design on the modern world, whilst also exploring
the consequences of design and how it shapes our lives and contemporary
Design can help us absorb and adapt to change and make positive use of a
modern world which could otherwise be confusing. By using themes such
as Identity, Manufacturing Innovations, the Digital Revolution and Lifecycle
the exhibition will look at how design provides a visual language to help use
the objects around us.

Cult club—3d printen

Cult club—3d printen

24.06.2011—Lezingen vanaf 19:00 uur
Art Kitchen Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)
Joris van den Berghweg 101
1067 HP Amsterdam

Akademie c/o


Das Ruinöse - Die Realität der Rocaille als Modell für eine aktuelle Architektur

Luc Merx


Vortrag. 16.06.2011 -19.00 Uhr

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein

Chausseestr. 128-129 - 10115 Berlin

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Opulent decay - The contingency of design


Luc Merx and Christian Holl

Lecture at the AA - Architectural Association London

14.03.2011 - 18.00

Exhibition Roots


The exhibition presents 22 interesting and talented design offices from which the founders graduated over the past 20 years from one of the six architecture schools in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine. ROOTS aims to give an insight into the development process of these very different practices, their opportunities, working conditions and perspectives in the various countries.

Lecture by Luc Merx: Glaspaleis Heerlen 19.30 hrs - 22.09.2010


11. Internationaler Barocksommerkurs


Die Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin veranstaltet ihren 11. Internationalen Barocksommerkurs zum Thema "Barock/Ornament"


Präsentation des Forschungsprojekts Rokokorelevanz durch C. Holl und L. Merx

11. Internationaler Barocksommerkurs. Barock / Ornament

Hochschule Luzern

Luc Merx—"Material"

Hochschule Luzern Trakt IV
Technik & Architektur
Dr. Josef Mäder-Saal
Technikumstrasse 21
6048 Horw 
08.04.2010 um 20:00 Uhr

Fall of the Damned at the Design Museum Holon

Holon, Israel

On January 31, 2010, the new Design Museum in Holon will open its doors and as part of its inaugural exhibition the One_Shot.MGX stool by Patrick Jouin and the Damned.MGX chandelier by Luc Merx, will be on display. The new museum, designed by Ron Arad Architects, will begin with a presentation of 100 objects that collectively tell the story of the practice, consumption, and cultural impact of contemporary design. For further details, visit:

Damned.MGX at the M museum - Leuven


For two weeks beginning January 28, selected pieces from the .MGX collection will be on display at the new M museum in Leuven, Belgium. The exhibition, which will also contain a 3D scanning booth from and creations from i.materialise, will feature designs by Luc Merx, Arik Levy, and many others. Visitors will have the opportunity to see first hand the incredible possibilities of 3D printing technologies. For location and hours, visit:

Heimtextil 13-16.01.2010

Halle F0

Präsentation des Stucco.MGX Wandsystem im Trendforum der Messe.

Fall of the Damned at Design Miami

Miami Design District, NE 39th Street and 1st Court, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.

From December 2 to 5th, a number of exclusive .MGX pieces including the Damned.MGX and Julia.MGX chandeliers, as well as the Fractal.MGX table and a selection from the Solid Collection by Patrick Jouin will be on display at Design Miami. The exhibition will be done in conjunction with the iconic New York Gallery Moss and a preview of new works by Designer of the Year Maarten Baas. Moss Gallery Stand G14, December 2nd to 5th, 11am to 7pm. For further details, email


Exhibition Ceramics and architecture


17.10.2009 - 25.10.2009

Dutch Design Week

Locations: Hal 2 Klokgebouw Strijp S and TU Eindhoven

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Couvenmuseum - Exhibition Rokokorelevanz


26.09.2009 - 08.11.2009


Design September 2009 - Brussels


10.09.2009 - 02.10.2009

Presentation of the E-volution collection by Materialise.MGX in L‘autre Lumière


Materialise.MGX présentera, à L’Autre Lumière pendant « Design September », sa nouvelle collection exceptionnelle : E-volution. Cette nouvelle collection, développée en collaboration avec certains des meilleurs artistes et designers au monde,  est inspirée des transitions digitales, environnementales et artistiques qui se déroulent dans le monde d’aujourd’hui.

A l’aide de technologies innovantes d’impression 3D,  les pièces sont générées comme des entités complètes, sans nécessité d’assemblages ou de soudures. Le principe de « fabrication additive » permet de transformer des matières d’un état physique à un autre (de liquide à solide ou par fusion de particules de matière par un rayon laser). Dans la plupart des cas, les créations .MGX seraient impossibles à produire avec des méthodes de production classiques.

L’Autre Lumière, 304 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels. Infos : 02 646 25 65  - Ouvert du mardi au samedi, de 10h à 18h30.

Telling Tales, Victoria & Albert museum


14.07.2009 - 18.10.2009

V&A, London, UK

Telling Tales: Fantasy and  Fear in Contemporary Design 

The exhibition will focus on work by designers who explore the narrative potential of objects, connecting the past with the present.


Press release

Stucco.MGX by Luc Merx at Moss in NY


Stucco.MGX and Damned.MGX will be on display at Moss in New York City from May 17 until June 27, as part of the “123” Exhibition.

Research in architecture - CEU Madrid


Universidad CEU San Pablo am 5.5.2009


Mit Beiträge von: Marcos Cruz, Maria Madalena Ferreira Pinto Silva, Angela Lambea, Luc Merx und Willi Frötscher