Exhibition Profile/Tourneur. Frankfurt

Exhibitions, Interior, Design, Art, Ornament, Tools, Surface, Geometry, Material, Ceramics, Stucco, Video, Holmer Schleyerbach†, Christian Holl, Jochen Lauscher, Luc Merx, Uli Herres
Launch exhibition of the Profile lamp series at Salon Kennedy in Frankfurt. 26/04/2014—12/05/2014 Designed by: Luc Merx, Holmer Schleyerbach, Uli Herres Vernissage:26/04/2014, 18:00 Salon with Christian Holl, Andreas Denk, Oliver Elser: 12/05/2014, 19:00 Cultural Avenue - Johanna Stemmler | Friedrich Gräfling Salon Kennedy Kennedyallee 100 60596 Frankfurt a.M.
Luc Merx, Holmer Schleyerbach, Uli Herres